
Who we are

Within diversity there is unity and within unity there is diversity


Who ?


Based in Ireland, with connections all over the world, we are non-profit making, open, inclusive and non-denominational, drawing on all philosophies and traditions.

An eclectic mix of like minded thinkers from various backgrounds.

Different people feel called to tune in and plan each celebration and have included Anne B, Anne N, Bernie, Bernadette, Dana, Des, Eileen, Jean, John, John A, Marta, Martin, Mary, Mary O, Nora, Pat, Susan, Theresa, Tom, Vaiva, Yamann and many others, who join with us in body or in spirit.


People from all over the world are on our email list and tune in with each celebration.

If you would like to join in at a distance, however great or small, please contact us to go onto the email list.


The web site is maintained by Martin in Ireland,  Nora in England and Michael in Canada (Clickopen.ca) with the help and input of many many others.


We welcome any queries, insights or input.

We may be contacted through email@TaraCelebrations.org


What ?


We follow the ancient celebrations of the yearly cycle by marking important dates with community ceremony.

Many of those involved with the 'Tara Celebrations' events also attend 'Monday Meditation & Healing Circle'. The two are interconnected but not interdependent.


How ?


Review and Way Forward meetings


Up to Autumn Equinox 2013 we planned from one meeting to the next.

 At the end of 2013 there was a feeling that we needed to set a complete cycle in motion. A get together was held to organise gatherings for the coming year.

The Review and Way Forward meetings have been held at Autumn Equinox or Samhain each subsequent year.


Why ?


Because it makes our souls sing.

It makes us feel connected to the rhythm of life.

It feels like it has to be done.

It is important.

It is fun.


It is about meeting up with people who you can get on with, and who you can share with, and you feel comfortable with,

and they don't have to bring anything or be a certain person.


 All are welcome.  Some of us are extroverts and like to express our energies, and those of the get together, outwardly.  The one thing that has been made very clear at Tara Celebrations over the years is that if you feel to sing, dance, etc. it is from the heart and has nothing to do with performance or pleasing others.  And if you want to sit quietly and watch, please feel comfortable with that.  Everyone has their own unique gift to bring to any gathering. Even just their presence is enough to bless the occasion. There is always a reason for everyone to be there, whether active or passive.


 What are we celebrating?

There are many different cycles and calendars and these have been handed down since pre-history, changing as the needs of the individual and community changed

In our ceremonies and rituals we are not doing what they did but seeking what they sought - not doing what we did but seeking what we sought
- We are the Ancients, playing with the clay.... We are the Sleepers, waking up today -

celtic2 wheel solar

With each ceremony held, with each candle lit, with each positive image about Tara raising the awareness level of people, each poem, thought, prayer offered in sincerity has been heart felt by the spirit of Tara.

It is certain that whatever else happened at ancient sites in Ireland they were and are still used for traditional customs and rituals at particular times of the year.


The cycle we use marks the four seasons of Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lughnasadh with the four cardinal days of winter and summer solstice, spring and autumn equinox. The seasons are an expression of what is happening on the land and also in our own lives.  


The New Year starts on the night of  November 8th, (now 31st October) - Samhain. This is the entry into the darkest days of the year and a time of death, for from death comes new life and rebirth. Many of our ancestors started their day as darkness came at dusk and night, not dawn as we do these days. The Cycle of the Year as the earth moves around the sun, from Samhain back to Samhain.




Themes & Sites from 2007 to present

Autumn Equinox is the last meeting of Tara Celebrations annual cycle - Samhain the conceiving of each new turn of the wheel

Prior to 2007 there were gatherings but we only have private records of those

At Samhain 2018 we renewed the format of the website and information is now on that with these pages archived.


2017 - Chain Reaction - Tara

2016 - Good Spirits - Yew Cloister, Gormanston

2015 - Clearing a Path for the Wisdom of the Ancestors - Loughcrew

2014 - Samhain - Rath Lugh

2013 - Beannachtai na Samhaina diobh - Dowth

2012 - Headstones - Old Mellifont Abbey, Louth

2011 - Embracing the Torquoise Self – Fourknocks

2010 - Journey towards the Sovereign Self - Tara

2009 - Samhain at Dowth - Dowth

2008 - Spontaneous New Beginning - Tara

2007 - Samhain is the Death of the Old - Tara



Winter Solstice

2017 - Phoenix from the Cauldron,invoking the Energies of Rebirth- Tara

2016 - You Light up my Life - Fourknocks

2015 - Without Darkness there can be no Light - Newgrange

2014 - Walking the White Winter Path of Wonder - Seomra Tara

2013 - Rebirth of the Sun God from the Goddess - Hill of Tara Healing Centre

2012 - Welcoming Light - Ardbraccan

2011 - Quietly Observant – Dowth, Newgrange, Curley Hole

2010 - Snowflakes – Own homes / Newgrange

2009 - Rebirth of Light and Hope – Own homes / Newgrange

2008 - Yule Celebrations – Tara

2007 - Ceremony of Light – Tara



2018 - Healing on Many Levels - Brigid's Well, Faughart

2017 - St. Brigid's Mantle - Brigid's Well, Faughart

2016 - Rise and Shine - Tara

2015 - Planting the Seeds of Our Dreams with Danu - Bective

2014 - Welcoming Spring & Returning Light - Tara

2013 - Healing Renewal Protection - Tara & Kildare

2012 - Triplicity: Comedy, Community and Creativity - Ravensdale Forest, Louth

2011 - Moving out of the Shadow into the Light - Tower of Lloyd Kells

2010 - Uncertainty - Fourknocks

2009 - Brigid - Fourknocks

2008 - Stirring the Fire - Tara

2007 - Brigid's Cross - Tara



Spring Equinox

2018 - Sunny Side Up - Fourknocks

2017 - Balance, Equality & Tolerance - Clogherhead

2016 - Spring Equinox - Fourknocks

2015 - Goodbye Darkness my old Friend, until we meet again - Dowth and Bective
2014 - Flourish and Blossom - Loch Ramor

2013 - Everyone is doing a Brand New Dance now - Tara

2012 - Nothing is as it Seems - Tara

2011 - Gates of Revelation - Tara

2010 - Reformation & Rebirth - Ardmulchan

2009 - In Balance with Nature - Mullaghmeen Forest

2008 - Balance - Tara

2007 - Vernal Equinox - Tara




2018 - Blessings on Bealtaine - Lake Derravaragh

2017 - Bealtaine - Tara

2016 - Nurturing Abundance - St. Ciaran's Well

2015 - May Day - Fourknocks
2014 - Peace, Light and Love - Dublin

2013 - Where there's a Well there's a Way - St. Johns Well, Warrenstown

2012 - The Summer Phase - Bective Abbey

2012 - 8 Sundays at the Well - Tara

2011 - Wild Wooing in the Woods - Tara

2010 - Inspired by Symbol & Poetry - Tara

2009 - Money to Burn - Tara

2008 - Arrival of Uisneach Fire - Tara

2007 - Tara


Summer Solstice

2018 - Celebrate the Sun with a Song in your Heart - Akahista, West Cork

2017 - Let the Sun Shine In - Tara

2016 - Create with Love your Journey through Life and gratitude to Mother Earth - Bective & Tara

2015 - The Wisdom of the Sunflower - Tara
2014 - Bountiful and Gratitude - Tara

2013 - The Place you can't get to - wherever you are

2012 - Journey of the Golden Triangle – An Tobar, Tara, Navan

2011 - Cultivating Peace - Tara

2010 - Listening to the Soul of Summer – St. John's Well, Warrenstown

2009 - Spontaneous - Tara

2008 - Abundance and Shadow - Tara

2007 - The Harp & Fairy Treasures - Tara

2005 - Tara Festival



2018 - The Higher Ground - Loughanleagh, Cavan

2017 - An Meitheal - Allotment garden, Fingal

2016 - A Liminal Transition - Burren, Clare

2015 - A Time of Celebration - Teltown
2014 - Long Road Home - Tara

2013 - Tar isteach agus lig do scith - Come on in and Rest Yourself - Fourknocks

2012 - Gratitude to Earth & Spirit - St. Gobnait's Well, Cork

2012 - Uisce beatha, Water of Life - Ciaran's Well, Meath

2011 - Beannachtai Lughnasadh - Teltown

2010 - Pattern, Pilgrimage & Pleasure Triskele - Port Beach

2009 - Pattern, Pilgrimage & Pleasure Labyrinth - Port Beach

2008 - Healing Conflict - Tara

2007 - Name your Talent - Tara



Autumn Equinox

2018 -Heart and Soul:We are One - Labyrinth, An Tobar

2017 - Back to Our Roots - Bective

2016 - Underlying Balance of Harvest Thanksgiving - Tara

2015 - Sun, Moon and Me - Seomra Tara
2014 - Deireih Fhomair - Fourknocks

2013 - Review & 'way forward' - Tara

2012 - Colin's Journey, Chrysalis Phase - Dowth

2011 - Winding Down, End of the Journey - Mornington Beach

2010 - Endings & Rememberings - Dowth

2009 - Thanks to Mother - Tara

2008 - Harvest Thanksgiving - Tara

2007 - Autumn Equinox - Tara - no report

Tara Celebration's venues

Akahista, West Cork - Summer Solstice 1.


An Tobar, Ardbraccan - Winter Solstice 1. Summer Solstice 1, Autumn Equinox 1.


Ardmulchan - Spring Equinox 1.


Bective - Imbolc 1. Spring Equinox 1. Bealtaine 1. Summer Solstice 1. Autumn Equinox 1.


Burren, Clare - Lughnasadh 1.


Clogherhead – Spring Equinox 1.


Dowth – Samhain 2. Winter Solstice 1. Spring Equinox 1. Autumn Equinox 2.


Dublin - Bealtaine 1.


Faughart – Imbolc 2.


Fingal – Lughnasadh 1.


Fourknocks – Samhain 1. Winter Solstice 1. Imbolc 2. Spring Equinox 2. Bealtaine 1. Lughnasadh 1. Autumn Equinox 1.


Gormanston – Samhain 1.


Hill of Tara – all 8 festivals many times


Kildare - Imbolc 1.


Loch Ramor,Virginia - Spring Equinox 1.


Loughanleagh, Cavan - Lughnasadh 1.


Loughcrew – Samhain 1.


Lough Derravragh - Bealtaine 1.


Mornington Beach - Autumn Equinox 1.


Mullaghmeen Forest - Spring Equinox 1.


Newgrange - Winter Solstice 4.


Old Mellifont Abbey – Samhain 1.


Port Beach -Lughnasadh  2.


Ramparts, Navan - Summer Solstice 1.


Rath Lugh – Samhain 1.


Ravensdale Forest, Louth - Imbolc 1.


Seomra Tara - Winter Solstice 1. Autumn Equinox 1.


St Ciaran's Well – Bealtaine 1. Lughnasadh  1.


St John's Well - Bealtaine 1. Summer Solstice 1.


St. Gobnait's Well, Cork - Lughnasadh 1.


Teltown - Lughansadh 2.


Tower of Lloyd, Kells - Imbolc 1.


Zurich, Switzerland - Samhain 1.


 Symbols are often created and invoked during gatherings

Samhain 2011 - Embracing the Torquoise Self

circle-cross 9black

Samhain 2012 – Head Stones

symbol samhain

Winter Solstice 2011 - Quietly Observant

winter solstice

Winter solstice 2012 - Welcoming Light


symbol wint solstice

Imbolc 2013 - Healing Renewal Protection

imbolc 2013

Imbolc 2012 - Triplicity: Comedy, Community and Creativity

symbol imbolc

Spring Equinox 2008 - Balance

Img 5343

Spring Equinox 2012 - Nothing is as it Seems

symbol apple

Bealtaine 2010 - Arrival of Uisneach Fire

bealtaine symbol

Bealtaine  2012 - The Summer Phase


symbol bealtaine

Summer Solstice 2011 - Cultivating Peace

st johns eve ceremony sunflower 2

Summer solstice  2012 - The Journey of the Golden Triangle

symbol summer solstice

Lughnassadh 2012 – The waters of life

st gobnaits well lughnasadh symbol

Lughnasadh 2012 – The waters of life


symbol lughnasadh

Autumn Equinox 2008 - Harvest Thanksgiving

equinox symbol

Autumn Equinox 2012 - Colin's Journey the Chrysalis Phase

symbol aut equinox


In 2014 we remembered the year with linking verse

Thanks to Martin, Tom, Susan, Bernadette, John A, Bernadette Mac, Nora and Anne for a wonderful time

Samain at Dowth, our first of the year,

and we hang onto nothing,

not comforts, not fear.

And as we make space,

releasing we bring.

The Cailleach gifts seeds,

a promise of spring.

Honouring our ancestors,

with a blessing and prayer,

we set a bowl fire,

and jump over with care.





At Winter Solstice the sun returns.

In the stove the Yule Log burns. 


Decorations upon a tree. 

Gifts we share, its Christmassy.

Snowballs fly through the air,

 goodbye to winter's cold dark stare.

 Brigid's cloak and rainbow story

 and in the room a sunray glory.

 Imbolc crosses woven with care,

 Anenome corms for all to share.



At the woodland shore of Lake Ramor,

 we write intentions for the summer,

releasing them to drift downstream,

 hoping for fulfilment of each dream.

 Equinox sleet, rain and sun

 confirm the spring has now begun.

Here come the lads! All off to town

 walking the streets, all joy, no frown.

 Bealtaine fun and a memory stone

 Men dealing with fire is best left unknown.

 We laughed and sung and danced around

 blessing Dublin's holy ground.

 Then down to Bewleys

where we had a cuppa.

 Then home on the train,

late for supper.



Summer Solstice on Tara Hill 

watching the sunset,

goodnight, sleep still.

 Heartbeat drumming

and a bready bun

baked in the swirl

of the passing sun.

 Fairy and father stories told

 as the western sky transforms to gold.

 Thunder rolls amidst clouds and rain

 Indoors for Lughnasadh once again.

 Oatmeal triquetra guided our walks,

 then once indoors

we chose coloured stalks

 to represent each lifetime skill

 All brought together at Tara's hill.


And now at Fourknocks we gather around

 thanking each other,

and blessing the ground.

 With stones in hand

impromptu Rock Band

sounds out the year

with harmonious cheer.

 This cycle is ending,

clear up chaff and grain,

 prepare for winter,

turn the wheel to Samhain.


In Memory of Eileen

  In Memory of Eileen Dowdall -     Rest In Peace We love you  -  We thank you  -  We bless you Eileen We'll miss her smile, We'll miss her Scouse...

Page last updated: 14th Oct 2018