Click here for information on Spring Equinox celebration 2019 and onwards
24 March 2018 - Fourknocks - Sunny Side Up
Thanks to Susan, Anne, Pat, Heather, Nora and Treechild for the photos
This poem was created by those present (in body and Spirit!) :
Spring Equinox 2018 by Tara celebrations
Spring is here and Light triumphs again.
Peace and joy to all on earth.
Rebirth and growth Mother Earth
Into now.
Now is our time.
Growing and glowing.
Empower your soul -
Quest forth into the dawn of arrival.
Uranus is rising.
I look forward to summer -
Nests being fastidiously created.
Open your heart to all that is light -
Xciting times are always with us – OPEN!
My son is April.
Meet at Fourknocks at midday on Saturday 24th March. (Those who wish can meet at the Seamus Ennis centre, The Naul, at 11.00am for a cuppa beforehand).
All welcome as we come together in community to celebrate the turn of the season.
To bring - Wear something brightly coloured, a scarf or something.
One or two hard boiled eggs.
If you have eggs of any type – marble, clay etc, and you’d like to put them in the circle while we do our ceremony, please bring them along.
We’ll do open heart – if anyone has anything to share, now is the time – a poem, a thought, a song, an oster egg…or bunny.
Brighter days are on the way!
Saturday named after Saturn, god of karma and time. It’s time for agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope.
The moon is in it's first quarter on Saturday, with full moon on 31st March - time to take action and plant what you want.
Plans are made for changing of course, subject to situation and conditions on the day.
We will enter through the portal to the centre of Fourknocks, open our circle, lighting the candles for each quarter as we call in the elements, starting appropriately to the East – direction of the rising sun, of dawn and rebirth and increasing light.
We are coming out of the days of darkness and into increasing day light, we will acknowledge the darkness, and let go of that which no longer serves us – taking a pinch of salt and putting it in the cauldron and as we do so, symbolically let go of any negative thoughts or habits. Contents of cauldron will be buried with the intention of releasing the negativity- if anyone wants to take the contents to do that, they can. (Being careful of where as salt can damage plants etc)
With our (hard boiled) eggs we will hold them and reflect on what we want to bring in and welcome into our lives, and whatever symbols come to mind, draw them on the egg/eggs. If it’s raining or too cold or we just feel like staying inside, we will put the eggs into the basket (the only time it’s good to put all your eggs into one basket!) and pick one (or two) out – you may not get the egg you put in, but whatever you get will be the appropriate one for you – trust it is so. Hold on to the egg/s and when you get home, plant them in the garden to release the energy over the next while.
We will also talk about Easter/Ostrara, the eggs, the hare, the light returning.
We’ll close the circle and thank the energies and the energies of Fourknocks and go out through the portal to greet the light and stretch into the sunlight...
... and roll the eggs down from the top if weather permits,
Close circle, chitchat, and maybe back to Seamus Ennis to complete the circle and have another cuppa.
If you are unable to attend in person you might like to boil an egg, put symbols on it that carry your intentions and bury it, joining in with the energy of the get-together, or simply light a candle.
Everyone's experience is different, the northerners moving into summer, the southerners moving into winter, but wherever you are, have a wonderful turn of the season.
Our Host's comments
As I made my way to Fourknocks, I saw a tourist van driving down the road, I knew it was going to return the key, so I followed and we did a quick exchange - I thought I was going to be late but as usual, things flowed, really have to learn to trust more...
Fourknocks had been visited by someone who left a beautiful offering, which I left where it was, didn’t seem right to put it on our altar, a lovely rose and a magnificent crystal, and a bough from a tree.
13 of us entered and formed our circle, opened to the directions , center, Mother Earth and those who could not be with us but were with us?...
We talked about Ostara, goddess of the dawn, and spring, whose symbols are / were the hare and eggs. Ostara represents renewal, rebirth and regrowth. The days are getting brighter, and the darkness of the days is behind us as the cycle of the year turns, as it keeps on turning.
We thought about what we wanted to let go of, we took a pinch of black salt, and put it in the cauldron to burn, with our intention of leaving those habits or thoughts behind, letting it go.
We held our eggs and thought about what we want to bring in, and drew symbols or words that had come to mind. Any eggstra eggs were put in the basket, passed around and we all took one, not knowing what symbol would be on it but whatever it is, is relevant for us at this time. To be taken home and buried, to release the intention to the multiverse.
We then had Open Heart, we had our own rock band, picking up stones from the ground, and getting into the groove, acknowledging the earth, and sort of singing...... a few jokes, some attempts at singing by some of us, a few poems, some lovely words, and of course the chocolate eggs which were appreciated by the youngest member of the gathering. We all took home our eggs, and some chocolate eggs, and eggs which had some phrases on them but had come off in the excitement of being brought up to Fourknocks.
Here are some of the phrases, pick which one you like!!
Bloom where you are planted.
One day ...or day one... you decide.
Hope. Renewal. Light.
You can.
When nothing goes right, go left.
Look in the mirror. That’s your competition.
Life is short, buy the shoes.
Dust settles. You don’t.
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.
Spring, a lovely reminder how beautiful change can be.
New beginnings.
Happy days.
One of the beautiful message eggs
The energy of Fourknocks is always welcoming and I really felt a connection to the energies. I enjoyed the day, I enjoyed the ceremony, I love the peaceful energy of Fourknocks, magnified by all the people on the day. I felt very connected to the Earth, and to All to the Great Spirit, and we all felt uplifted and happy, it was one of the first days you could really feel the warmth in the sun.
We went back to the cafe and had some food, and said our farewells. Time to let the ceremony settle and remind ourselves to tune in to the energies of the equinox.
and a photo story thanks to Pat
Our host at the entrance to Fourknocks chamber |
Rose petals, crystal and log - a gift from a stranger (was there when we arrived) |
Centre piece for the ceremony... |
Eggs, symbols of fertility, in a basket |
Composing our poem after the ceremony |
Empty chamber (leave only footprints take only memories) |
Opening in the mound from inside (with rose petal on bottom of grille) |
Stairway to heaven... |
and a heavenly sun... |
View North |
View South |
Views from the top of the mound - |
some nice cloud shots... |
Essenial re-fuelling at Seamus Ennis Centre at the Naul after expending all that spiritual energy... Known by the initials TC we have realised that Tara Celebrations is all about Tea and Cake |
Thanks to Anne for this verse © Anne Newman Things are moving, Springing along. Two steps forward, Hearing birdsong. The Music for the spiral dance.
Buds near bursting Frost-cull strengthening Earth is warming Days are lengthening Hares are doing their Mad March prance.
Smiles all around as Light is growing and Nature is Stirring a deep-felt knowing that Summer days advance. |
It is a 'late' spring this year with snow in March in England, Ireland and Canada |
Bird tracks and wing marks in the snow in Derbyshire, England.
Dog and human explore a Meath garden |
thanks to Treechild for sharing these Canadian tracks |
Deer |
Beaver |
Cougar |
Cougar |
Coyote |
Fisher Cat |
Human |
Raccoon |
Snowshoe Hare |
- Spring Equinox archive
Spring (Vernal) Equinox 2018 - Sunny Side Up - Fourknocks 2017 - Balance, Equality & Tolerance - Clogherhead 2016 - Spring Equinox - Fourknocks...
Page last updated: 28th Nov 2018