

Click here for information on Autumn Equinox celebration 2019 and onwards


21 September 2018 - Heart and Soul : We are One 

Venue: Labyrinth, An Tobar, Ardbraccan, Co. Meath

The labyrinth walk is one path leading you inwards, from the outer world to the centre.  You return, facing the outer world again.

Unlike a maze which is designed to get you lost, a labyrinth helps you find yourself.



an tobar entrance





At the labyrinth we go to the centre, to heart and soul. We seek balance, explained by our inner strength (heart aspect) and inner guidance (soul aspect) whilst being aware of our outer life and how we influence, and are influenced by, our surroundings.




Heart calling on core energies of unconditional love and generosity

Triquetra reminding us of an eternal triple nature and many aspects of balance within ourselves


Inspiration for your walk


 We do not want to put too much guidance for people as we think each one will have their individual need to walk the labyrinth. The following may just give an insight...


The wisdom quest is realized by pursuing a white doe to a wild apple tree - there will be apples at the centre of the labyrinth.


Eating an apple you connect to what created it and what it provides. Appreciating all that went into an apple you relish the fruit as a whole, the beautiful end result. Liken yourself to that apple, realise that you are the outcome of what you take in. You appreciate yourself and all that has created you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


For every beauty, somewhere there is an eye to see it.

For every truth, somewhere there is an ear to hear it.

For every love, somewhere there is a heart to receive it. Ivan Panin.


Speak to us our hearts, our love, for we are in all creation, in the timelessness of eternity, as much as we are within ourselves and within all beings, within earth, on earth and in the universal forever.


Tree - Roots Plunge Downwards


Tree - Trunk Soars Upwards


Tree Resolves Core and Soul


an tobar labyrinth


Comments from the Host, Bernadette



Autumn Equinox was so much fun and a beautiful sunset. Old and new friends were there at the Labyrinth. We went into the center, to the heart and soul, to seek balance.


Each year, as the earth completes its annual journey around the sun, the balance between night and day shifts. It is the time of the Autumn Equinox, when the harvest is winding down. A time for taking a few moments to honour the changing seasons and celebrate the second harvest. We were blessed with the setting sun and the blue skies and mother earth made a very big entrance, to make sure we were well and truly grounded.


What a funny thing happened at the Ceremony! I asked them all to bring the rays of the evening sun as a grounding - to see the rays come over their body, down the top of the head, all around and down to the souls/soles of their feet - feel mother earth grounding you. You will not believe what happened! Tara Mines let off dynamite just as I said 'feel the earth beneath your feet'. Well, talk about laughing. So you could say the Autumn Equinox went off with a bang.


Thank you all for coming. Many blessings to all on this changing season, warm fires, lit candles and, of course, coal fires as mother earth reminded us of last evening.


Pictures from the event


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The Seven Kingdoms


We are on a life-long journey through the folklore, mythology, history, traditions, people and poetry of our lands. We learn, breathe, eat, drink and experience throughout our lives, consciously and sub-consciously, the influences of our ancestors, our fellow humans and all beings who inhabit these realms with us.


Standing at the Labyrinth centre, enjoying our internal journey, we are also standing at the centre of an external landscape. In unison we connect our energies with local and world energies in an eternal flow.


Similarly, standing at the summit of any hill or mountain, we have a 360 degree view of the landscape, to the horizon and beyond. Mentioned below, Snaefell is one of those places, the highest peak on the Isle of Man.


The following invokes the ancient and on-going energies of the Western Isles and is based on the verse The Seven Kingdoms © Bernadette Weyde


Have you ever seen seven kingdoms all in one day?”

Seven kingdoms?” says you, “Aw - get away!”
“It’s true as I’m breathing, not a lie do I tell,

now let’s take ourselves up to the top of Snaefell.”


It must be clear like, and no clouds and no rain,

when the sun’s gaily dancing o’er mountain and plain;
And Manannan’s away riding Enbarr his horse,

and the hillsides are clothed in the galloping gorse.

(Now see here, pay attention, and let me show

otherwise you’ll never know…)


The Kingdom of Erin lies there to the west,

where the ancient and Shining Ones, ever are blessed.
‘Tis a land of sweet music, of bards and of song,

air is their gift and in sound all are one.


And there, to the south and then to the east,

are the Red Dragon people – oh that glorious beast!
Long are their valleys and deep are their veins,

fire is their gift that sets all hearts ablaze.

The Kingdom of Alba lies high north of here,

lochs are its guardians, its bens are held dear.
Blue were the faces their men craft in wars,

water’s their gift and all honour its course.


Now out to the east where the Angles reside,

where cliffs are as clean as a white hart’s hide;
Where Arthur did reign and yet will reign again,

earth is their gift to the family of men.


Look up! Look up! to the wonders on high.

Where stars grace the darkness and souls learn to fly.
The bringer of seasons, of sun, ice and storm,

these are the gifts of the Heavenly Kingdom.


And far down below where the waves kiss the shore,

lays the bringer of memory, psyche and lore;
Of fishes, adventures and journeys in dreams,

these are the gifts of the Kingdom of Seas.


And where are we standing? Why on top of the world!

so close to the heavens where the clouds dance and twirl!
Spirit is our gift and in this all are kin,

so bow low to the honour that is Ellan Vannin's.


Before you the Seven! The Primal! The Old!

Land, sky and sea; forever betrothed.
Mystical, magical, bound as a clan,

and at the heart of them all is the Kingdom of Man.”




Remember you are air – Observe. Breath. Focus. Decide.

Remember you are fire – Flare. Tame. Adapt. Ignite.

Remember you are water – Cry. Cleanse. Flow. Let go.

Remember you are earth – Ground. Give. Build. Heal.

Remember you are spirit – Connect. Listen. Know.



September 2017 - Bective - Back to our Roots

Bective Mill, Co. Meath -  A ceremony followed by a Churn - the seasonal food celebration after the toil of harvest



Mulberry Roots do not bud until all danger of frost is past, symbolises patience. When they do produce buds, it happens quickly symbolising the wisdom to know when to react and respond to circumstances.



Symbolic centre.

Black candle surrounded with salt to send negativity back to its source and a white candle surrounded with sugar to encourage the flow of peace and harmony.

Other items representing the Autumnal Equinox - associated colours yellow, orange, brown, and spicey scents.


Item representing Medb Lethderg (`red-side`) goddess of sovereignty at Tara.

Red colour often used in supernatural forces that suggest Medb was a divine being.

Name also means 'she who intoxicates', linked to 'mead'; sacred marriage king and goddess would involve a shared drink.




Centering – stand - rock back and forth from heel to toe – feel yourself centering as if a cord or pole connected you to the ground and into the endless blue above.


Feel that sacred marriage within you, initiated by the ancestral traditions and legends of the Goddess and the King, marriage of opposites, left and right, earth and sky, male and female.


Calling the Directions, east, south, west, north, above and below, centre.


Recall events of the year (since Samhain 2016)


Roots meditation – you will find the text for this on this link


Open heart contributions of prose, poetry and anything that inspires our lives.


Close directions – Feast and share a meal (please bring anything that you would enjoy and think others may as well -  cake, fruit, cheese, chocolate, quiche, flask of soup, etc)


During the evening we will also take the opportunity to have a chat about the 2017/18 cycle. 



September 2016 - Hill of Tara - The Underlying Balance of Harvest Thanksgiving

Our Autumn Equinox Celebration was held on Sunday 25th September 2016 at the Hill of Tara, Co. Meath at 6.15pm


In keeping with the theme of "Equinox" (which literally means "equal night"),


half of the celebration was before sunset while the other half was in the darkness after sunset.


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As we meet near the entrance to the Hill of Tara, our celebration will begin with a short discussion about Autumn Equinox approximately one hour before sunset. We will acknowledge how other cultures celebrated this time in the past as well as those around the world who will be united with us in spirit at this time.


This will be an active hour and in keeping with this, we will walk to a remote part of Tara - with an East/West alignment - where we will continue our activities in a (hopefully) quiet space. Once there, we will call in the directions/elements and open our circle. There will be sharing of harvest fruits/berries/food, open-heart contributions and drumming as the sun goes down.


Once the darkness arrives, it will be time for introspection, quiet time. What did we personally harvest from plans made earlier in the year? Were plans made? Why? Why not? As the darkness prevails from here on, nature winds down and so we too wind down. Outdoor activities are replaced by nights in by the fire, many people start their daily duties in the dark and finish them in the dark.


There will be a meditation on the theme of abundance - an abundant harvest makes for an easier winter! As there is a close connection between Equinox and the newer tradition of Michaelmas (Sept 29th), there will also be a piece after the meditation around the energy/guide/angel commonly referred to as Archangel Michael.


All are welcome to our non-denominational celebration and you are advised to dress appropriately for being outdoors, after sunset, at the end of September in Ireland! (Probably no harm to bring an umbrella as well...on the off-chance that it might rain). Please bring some food to share - especially food from the last harvest! Also, weather permitting we may be sitting for meditation so bring along a blanket or portable stool. A drum would be a great idea but only if you can get your hands on one. "Open-heart contributions" consist of anything that any individual would like to share with the group on the day - a poem, meditation, picture, article etc. Of course the underlying theme of the celebration is about balance - light and dark, Yin and Yang etc.


We're looking forward to seeing you there.


Click here for more of the words and quotes used in the event


Below is a view from our Celebration spot on Tara. The cloud is a cumulo nimbus with ancil top. A heavy downpour can be seen to the clouds base


Cumulo nimbus cloud


Comments from the Host:


All day the wind and rain assaulted Ireland, hurtling in from the West, dropping copious amounts of water on our little country. Wave after wave it came, between periods of blue sky and sunshine. I started receiving messages about our Equinox celebrations planned for later that same evening: "not looking good for tonight", "I won't make it in that weather", "maybe head for the cover of the trees later". My answer was pure traditional Irish - based on years of study, the experience of our Ancestors and blind faith in the Divine... "It'll be grand".


It WAS grand as we met at the entrance to the Hill of Tara, County Meath, Ireland, where there were a few words spoken about September Equinox customs throughout the world past and present. Nine sets of pages of information about the celebration were handed out... Ten were printed but you can't win 'em all.


We then walked across the Hill to a series of mounds with a West-East alignment which meant, as Martin explained, as the sun set our shadows would point eastwards behind us. Lovely idea, except for the fact that the sun was behind an enormous cloud which was quite clearly dumping its contents on the unfortunate inhabitants of the Midlands. We carried on regardless.


Having called in the circle, we spoke about the underlying themes of this celebration - Balance and Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for another bountiful harvest from Mother nature and also from any plans we made earlier in the year. There was a distinct balance in how we celebrated this occasion between what it meant in the outer world and what it meant to us personally, deep inside each individual.


As we ceremoniously shared the harvest and shared Open Heart contributions from each person present, the first hour had passed, the hour before sunset and the last light of the day. For his contribution, John got us to scan the skies for 360°. Everywhere on the horizon there were clouds visible but above us, above Tara, there was a beautiful clear blue sky. For the last part of this active hour we started drumming... Drumming the sun down. Many thanks to those present who drummed - it really added to the occasion. The rest of us stood silently, watching and reflecting. The fact that we were watching a massive cloud in the distance behind which was the sun was neither here nor there.


As we became lost in our thoughts and entranced by the drumming, John turned to me and whispered "it's going to make an appearance you know, right on cue". I looked at my watch, 5 minutes to sundown and then it happened... The sun dropped beneath the cloud and Tara was awash with sunlight. A magical moment. As I marvelled at this, I was aware of another person joining us. I reached into my pocket and handed her a copy of the days proceedings, the tenth and last copy available. Of course. Then the sun disappeared and we knew that from this day on the darkness would rule our days until the wheel turned to Spring Equinox.

Now was time for quiet, calm reflection and meditation. As darkness fell a reading was read out that was done for our group recently which focused on Balance - inner balance and contemplation. "Once the natural state of balance is achieved, the plateau that will give you access to the higher self will be open before you." We also remembered those "tuning in" from all over the world as well as our ancestors. I felt that that we were spiritually connected to both groups.


After a short meditation on the energy of what some call Archangel Michael (Michaelmas = 29th Sept.), the group performed some much - needed grounding and the second, introspective hour was complete. After some more food and drink we dispersed to hopefully contemplate in the coming days/weeks/months on a rewarding experience.


And from one of the participants:


It was Autumn Equinox sunset and I stood with the group on Tara where the ground breaks away to the central plain. Equinox the final celebration of the year. The last harvest. The last of the brighter days.

Darkness was falling and the sun set behind a towering cumulo nimbus cloud..... winking out from the gap at the base before it set.

Night had begun. Winter was coming.

The losses of the year came to mind. That of Eileen and Sonia weighed most..... I bless you and I let you go into the twilight. Thanks I give for your friendship and influence you had on my course.

Honoured to have met - your creative  company,  a blessing I  wish on the world.

Looking west the setting sun to me is a brightening dawn to others.

“Why pine for us? “ they say. “We are reborn every moment and wait here much longer and we will rise behind you, reborn in this equinox dawn.”



cumulo nimbus 2


  Sunrise was followed by wind and rain - but on the Hill gaps in the clouds filled with blue


aut eq 2016 sunrise

aut eq 2016 3



aut eq 2016 1 aut eq 2016 2



aut eq 2016 tara


The following evening, Monday Meditation and Healing Circle, continued the focus on Equinox





Below; The full moon near the equinox brightens the harbour of Kinvara. This is the watery west energy called in opening the directions


Autumn Equinox Moon


 Thanks to Kate and Mike for these photos of their trp to Wolfville, Nova Scotia - 'Took some photos of the pumpkin people. I think we figured out the overall theme was something like a zombie apocalypse perhaps, with the emergency vehicles and people seemingly running around.'


nova scotia 2016a nova scotia 2016e
nova scotia 2016 nova scotia 2016b


nova scotia 2016d nova scotia 2016c


September 2015 - Seomra Tara - Sun, Moon and Me


At Equinox we move away from the summer's freewheeling dominant emotional and physical energies, towards the mental and spiritual realms supported by the study and introspection of winter.

Our intention in this gathering will be to acknowledge the seasonal energies, reviewing the past year, then coming to the centre of our being and acknowledging the blessed life we have on earth.


autumn equinox 2015 centre

God's Eye (to bring a blessing to the place and group) - felts (reminding us of animals preparing for winter), crystals (beauty of earth) - golden and silver boxes, sticks and wools

aut eq 2015 god's eye

The Festival Proclaimed

    I proclaim the festival of Autumn Equinox. We stand at a pivotal centre in the turning of the seasons. We stand at the threshold looking towards the extreme of Winter Solstice. Tonight each one of us shall pass over this threshold as we enter the dark half of the year.

    I proclaim the equilibrium of day and night. Just as the wheel of the year is the annual timekeeper, so the cycle of the day marks the sun and moon's journey across the sky. This time of Equinox corresponds to the evening of the year. This is the time of sunset; the time of gathering, of drawing in, of celebrating the riches of the second harvest, and of preparing for the night and for the winter yet to come. 

    I proclaim the counterbalance of summer and winter. The outer world gives forth its bounty, the grain is cut and threshed. And as the growing season ends and the seeds fall and sink into the dark earth to be nourished until the spring, so we give thanks for the riches of earth and the riches of our own lives.

    I proclaim the centre betwixt abundance of light and want of it. Balance lasts but a moment, for from this time on, darkness overcomes light. Night's shadow gains in strength and exceeds the length of daylight for a full half year until we reach the time of equinox again.

Review of Tara Celebrations year.

aut eq 2015 tc cycle a

Sun and Moon meditation sharing Red Jasper as symbolic of the sun, Blue Aventurine for the moon.

aut eq 2015 in of the box

Creating a God's Eye symbol to bring blessings into our lives.

aut eq 2015 centrex

Open heart sharing.
Thank elements - Close directions - Food and drink including a spirit plate.

You might like to prepare by considering:
What has supported and sustained you physically during the year. eg. Home, food item.
What has brought joy to your heart, to your emotions, during the year. eg, a loved one, human or otherwise.
What has inspired your thoughts and ideas this year. eg. Piece of writing, course of study.
What has energised you spiritually, fired you up, this year. eg. Meditation, peaceful landscapes.

Marta and friends in Switzerland celebrated Equinox (Mabon) over a whole weekend.  Thanks to her for these words and pictures.

Ceres moneyconjurecard3 - Kopie

We spent this weekend celebrating the Goddess Ceres along with Mabon. Sunday we made conjure cards, money themed, because that was a specifically good day for this. Meeting Ceres was joyous in an almost bubbly way. We hadn't worked with Her before, so this was very good and also interesting. Each of us had a different experience, yet the basic was the same. Interesting! Joy, strength, love...

Ceres3 Ceres4


On Sunday we made cards. The cards can be very complex or then a bit more simple, such as a card for protection for a whole year (they're always meant for one year, then you have to make new ones). We made money themed ones and had fun doing that, though the energies were intense. The room heated up like a sauna, no kidding. We've had this happening before, but it's always an interesting experience. Work like this can basically soak you, it can make you run for the loo like silly lol, it can exhaust you, it can make you super hungry (we've had this in Fourknocks before, yep)... and so on. You never know what will happen and it's always an interesting experience.  The heat today may well be in connection of Sun energy, because Sunday, because the Sun works with money-abundance-energy, too.




- Autumn Equinox archive

Autumn (Fall) Equinox 2018 -  Heart & Soul : We are One - Labyrinth, An Tobar 2017 - Back to our Roots - Bective 2016 - The Underlying Balance of...

Page last updated: 28th Nov 2018